6-Week-Old Rescued Beagle Puppies Pay A Visit To A Nursing Home


Homeward Trails DC Animal Shelter rescued over 4,000 beagle puppies from the Envigo compound in Cumberland and raised them for lab testing.

Since the first group of dogs was rescued from the Envigo kennel on July 21st, the WJLA has closely followed their development. And in May, the facility was forced to close due to alleged violations of the Animal Welfare Act.

ProMedica Skilled Nursing wanted to bring some puppies to cheer up the residents, so they contacted and asked if the newly rescued puppy could visit a foster family.

The six-week-old beagles rescued from a kennel visited seniors on Wednesday at a shelter in Fairfax County, Virginia. The elderly here were very happy!

“We had a terrier and it was nice to see the puppy again,” said Carol Brashers, a resident of the shelter. “Puppies are my love!”

The good news is that the puppies are finally adopted. It’s hard to imagine their suffering in the incubator, but it’s all over now!

Puppies are still figuring out their place in the world. They learn to create and distribute their own happiness!

This is great for seniors and a great way to socialize puppies.

It’s a win-win situation! This is very much needed!!!!
