The mother wolf came to the forester’s hut in search of food in the cold winter. There was nothing to lose, the wolf was obviously very tired, as he approached the hut without hesitation.
The forest field was frightened at first, but when it saw that the mother wolf wanted to eat, it immediately gave her meat. He knew how difficult it is for any animal to feed in the forest in winter. However, when she found out that the forester decided to feed her, the she-wolf returned several more times.
However, some locals were worried about this, but Styopa said that feeding them is more dangerous than starving them. Unfortunately, the warmer weather ended the relationship between the forest beast and Stepa, much to his dismay after he was able to get closer to the wolf.
Finally, at the end of April, the wolf went to Styopa again, but he was not alone, so he went with the cub. The wolf apparently ate some of the meat and took the rest to feed his cubs. This is cute!
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