We see what kind of conditions sheltered animals live in, and sometimes, depending on where you live, the conditions of the great outdoors are also no place for an animal to make their permanent habitat. To be able to take an animal home with us, call them our own, and provide them the necessities and safe environment they need to thrive is a beautiful thing.
For a baby Australian magpie, she unexpectedly became part of the Bloom family’s Newport, Sydney, household when she was in dire need of saving in 2013 after she fell out of her nest. Immediately, the Blooms took on the role of the injured magpie’s caregiver, who would have otherwise not survived.
But not only did the magpie, who was later named Penguin, get saved, but she also saved the Blooms too.
Before Penguin’s arrival, Sam, the Bloom’s mother-of-three, suffered a serious, near-fatal fall that left her paralyzed from a spinal cord injury during a Thailand vacation. Not only was she physically injured, but she fell into a deep depression shortly after her trauma.
Three months after Sam came home from the hospital, Penguin came into the picture and helped change everything for the struggling family.
According to the father, “I never thought she’d become as much a part of the family as she has. [The kids] love her like a dog, but better.”
Not only did Penguin give great joy, comfort, and laughter for the family, but she helped them realize that life is not only fragile, but even the weakest can make the greatest of returns.
“I was so bored for the first year after the accident. Before, I was active every day, independent and doing mum things. Boredom became my worst enemy, but when Penguin came into our lives it became her and me every day. Suddenly, I had something to do. She was with me all the time and was really good company. We would sing and chat to each other. Penguin listened to all of my complaints and she never accidentally said anything thoughtless in response to me,” said the mother in an article.
Interestingly, as the magpie grew into a strong, healthy bird, so did the mother and as did the rest of her family.
Due to how touching Penguin was for the Blooms, Cameron, the father of the family, co-authored a book with Bradley Trevor Greive entitled, Penguin Bloom: The Odd Little Bird Who Saved a Family.
“The aim of the book is to help people. It basically picks up where Penguin Bloom left off and will share my take on facing and overcoming adversity. I hope telling my story might be helpful to others, and show them they’re not alone. That would definitely be a positive out of all this,” says Sam.
And, in 2020, the film, Penguin Bloom, will be released, giving viewers a visual understanding of the emotional story.
“We’re also incredibly excited to have our story told through a movie. Producers Naomi Watts, Bruna Papandrea and Emma Cooper are extraordinary women and I know they will do a fantastic job.”
Watch the video below to learn more about Penguin and how much she means to the Bloom family!
Source: Reshareworthy