Owner Practices Pink Floyd On Guitar But His Bulldog Steals The Show.


Everyone loves to be in the spotlight, so it’s safe to say that the same goes for dogs—or any other pet/animal for that matter. Isn’t it great to have a little bit of attention on you every now and then? But, I’m not the only one thinking this is fair. Seems like our friend Winston the dog over here seems to feel the same about taking the spotlight, and that too in front of millions of people on the internet!

In this video, the dog dad can be seen practicing some tunes on his guitar accompanied by Winston. He begins to practice Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” in which the dog shows a very keen interest. He seemingly loves the song so much that he starts to sing along. Watch carefully as Winston belts and gurgles to the tune played by his owner. Does it get any cuter than this?

We can now see why he refused to go to bed when he was being instructed to—he knew he had a talent to showcase and didn’t want to take the backseat. But it’s not only talent that Winston shows off in his performance, watch to see how passionate he looks while he’s performing. I don’t think I’ve ever see a dog so in love with singing before!

The dog dad and his pet should definitely think about taking their little entourage on a tour! We know for a fact people would pay to see Winston put on such an adorable show!
