Falling asleep doesn’t come easily to all of us. For some yes, they just simply need to rest their head on the pillow and it’s instantaneous! It’s like the pillow is magical and has cast a spell on the lucky person who uses it! I’m jealous. It’s never been that easy for me. Typically, to help me fall asleep, I’ll run through my list of groceries I need or visualize what articles of clothing are in my wardrobe and piece together tomorrow’s outfit. And if all that fails, then the tried and true counting sheep method is the last resort!
Now, if only I had someone to sing me to sleep, then I’d be sorted for life! No more tossing, and turning, counting fluff balls or thinking about milk and bread. I mean we’ve all been sung to sleep when we were younger. But, wouldn’t it be ideal for that to happen every single day, even in adulthood?