Hilarious Little Girl “Walks Like” Her Very Pregnant Mommy


Pregnancy comes with a ton of things, both good and bad! From the ” pregnancy glow” to a pea-sized bladder, to a strange sensation to eat all of the pickles in the world – pregnancy can cause a woman’s body to change in some crazy ways. While some things are more mental and hormonal, other changes are all physical, and one of the most noticeable physical changes is the pregnant lady “waddle.”

There’s a real reason why pregnant women walk with a bit of a “waddle.” Dr. Daniela Carusi, director of obstetrics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, told NPR why women walk differently as their pregnancy wears on. The doctor said, “There are a lot of joints in the pelvis. Those are going to loosen as the pregnancy goes on, which is probably how the body adapts to allow a fairly good-sized baby to fit through.”
