Don’t Miss The Cuteness As This Adorable White Cub Plays With Mom


This video footage was caught unexpectedly as a beautiful white baby cub was playing with its mom. As you watch the two of them rolling around in the grass and enjoying one another’s company, you will soon realize these two are just about the cutest things you have ever seen! The white cub is a rare find and is truly beautiful. It is clear this cub loves spending time with mom and the two of them are fun to watch.

As Kermit the Frog sings, “Rainbow Connection”, you will smile with each word of the song. This is the perfect song to listen to as you watch a mom bear and her baby play together on the grassy hillside! This video is so relaxing, you may find you wish it played on loop. Watch this adorable pair and enjoy every minute of the cuteness. Make sure to Please SHARE on Facebook for your friends to enjoy.
