Mama Horse Mourns The Loss Of Her Baby, But Raises Orphan In Return


a sweet pony mare named Emma gave birth to a newborn filly, Skittles. Emma’s human caretaker, Karen, comforted her through the long, difficult, and painful birth. Tragically, Skittles passed away shortly after she was born. Throughout the next day, Emma fought for her own life. Karen and the rest of Emma’s human family were heartbroken, and feared the worst.

Emma’s health took a turn for the better, but as her body healed her heart mourned the loss of her baby. She’d stand against the wall in her stall, her eyes filled with sadness. It was clear that Skittles’ passing left an emptiness inside Emma, and Karen decided to do everything should could to fill it.

But although this story begins with heartbreak, it ends with newfound hope and peace. Karen and her family on her Texas farm began the search for healing for Emma and her human family — a journey that brought an orphaned colt named Av8r into their lives. Karen hoped that by adopting Av8r as her own, Emma would help herself by helping another baby in need of a mom. Emma and the baby began to call for each other right away, and though it would take time to adjust, Emma finally began to look hopeful again. Wait until you see the immense amount of love within this incredible family.

When this video was posted to YouTube, Av8r was 3 months old and growing fast. These days, Emma is back to teaching her four-legged and two-legged kids, and is happy and confident once again. Emma & Av8r continue to love, learn, and enjoy life together.

Follow Emma’s incredible journey through motherhood below, and please SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook.
