
After hours working in front of the monitor you start with a headache and all you think about is resting or go to the reliable old woman: take aspirin.

Aspirin in addition to removing the headache has other home functions that will surprise you, continue reading, you will not believe the miracles brought by the most popular pharmacist in the world.

These 9 tricks will save your day, you’ll love aspirin forever. Take note!

1. Removes sweat stains

Those annoying white patches of fruit from the combination of sweat and deodorant will finally be eliminated. Just crush 4 aspirin pills and then dissolve in a bowl of warm water. Then place the clothes in the bowl and let it soak for 1 hour. Take off your clothes and wash them as you always do.

2. Everlasting Flowers

It is sad to observe how the bouquet of flowers that you gave away wilts with the passage of time, but this has a solution. Put an aspirin in the vase. Every 2 weeks repeat the process.

3. Exfoliating

You want a clean and smooth face, with no trace of dead skin, well, with this exfoliant you will have magazine skin. You only need two tablets, crush and mix with a little lemon juice and the (old reliable) baking soda to form a homogenous paste.

Apply to the face and gently give circular massages. Let stand 20 minutes. Rinse and ready a smooth and dazzling skin in such a short time and home. Repeat process 1 every two weeks.

4. Incarnated hairs

Those annoying hairs stuck under our skin. They are horrible but no more. Grind 3 tablets and mix with warm water. Apply to the affected area and apply gentle circular massages, let stand 10 minutes and then remove with plenty of cold water. Repeat the process 3 times per week for 4 weeks.

5. Exfoliating for lips

Believe it or not, your lips also require attention. Tritura a pastilla and mix with a little brown sugar and honey from below (not artificial) to form a paste. Apply on your lips giving gentle massages. Rest for about 15 minutes and then rinse with water. Repeat the process every two weeks.

6. Relaxed feet

After a long working day, your feet suffer more than another part of the body and in many cases that manifests with dryness, calluses or cracks. However, after this treatment your feet will rest and they will thank you with all your heart. With 4 crushed tablets, mix a little lemon juice into a paste.

Apply to the affected area while giving circular massages. Let stand for 10 minutes and wipe with a dry cloth, finally use a pumice stone. Do the process 3 times a week for 1 month.

7. Tone your face

Yes, your face needs a little love, so it crushes 2 aspirins and mixes with apple vinegar and forms a paste, applied to your face with gentle circular massages. Do it twice a week.

8. Goodbye dandruff

Fight those annoying white spots that are nothing more than dry skin on your scalp. Tritura 2 tablets and mix with your usual shampoo. Wash your hair as usual and let stand for 5 minutes, so rinse with plenty of water. Do it 3 times a week for 4 weeks.

9. Anti-aging

You can delay those wrinkles with this paste made by aspirin. Grind 4 tablets and mix with warm water until the consistency is pasty. Apply on your face and perform gentle massages. Repeat the process 2 times a week.

Incredible, do not you think? So simple and cheap is to solve common problems with just aspirin.

