As the old adage goes, “You must learn to crawl before you can walk.” The sentiment carries into the animal world as well, apparently. At a horse training school in Maryland, a 4-year-old Holsteiner horse named Commando is learning to jump over obstacles, but it’s his landing that has people talking.
In a video uploaded Aug. 1, 2015, Commando is seen cautiously approaching a ditch, unsure if he’s able to make the jump. According to the UK’s Metro, this was Commando’s first attempt at jumping, explaining his hesitant nature. Commando eventually decides to take the leap of faith and clears the ditch, although his landing is less than graceful.
The young horse comes from a family of jumpers. Commando is a Holsteiner, a breed of horse that’s existed for over 700 years. The breed was used as a cavalry horse until the end of World War I, and in the following years the Holsteiner was recognized for its impressive jumping abilities in the show-jumping world.
Commando’s first foray into show jumping may not have lived up to his ancestor’s expectations, but he’s a quick learner. Just five days after the horse’s first jump, his riders uploaded a second video showing Commando jumping over a ditch with ease.